Creating company in Denmark - Documents Virk - Stiftelsesdokument, Vedtægter, Kapitalens indbetaling - Igor Garlowski

Stiftelsesdokument – example and explanation in English

Stiftelsesdokument (founding document) is one of the documents we need to fill in before we register our company in Denmark: IVS, ApS or A/S.

Here you can find explanation in English together with good tips. There is also a link to the original document and attached example of this document if from some reason Virk doesn’t provide it any more.

To find the original stiftelsesdokument file , you can use this link to the virk website. It will be easier for you to edit the original one in .doc while reading advices here. Virk changes their links quite often, that’s why you have to look for it.

If you would have a problem to find the file, you can always copy the following text into a doc. Once you are ready to go, just follow the comments.



Dette er et eksempel på et stiftelsesdokument for et iværksætterselskab, anpartsselskab og aktieselskab. Stiftelsesdokumentet skal tilpasses til den konkrete virksomheds situation. Vi opfordrer dig til ikke at bruge dokumentet uden først at have rådført dig med en professionel rådgiver.

Stiftelsesdokument (IVS, ApS og A/S)

Bemærk: I teksten bruges ordet ”kapitalejer” som benævnelse for en anpartshaver eller aktionær og ordet ”kapitalandel” som benævnelse for en anpart eller aktie. I iværksætterselskaber kan selskabskapital kun indbetales i kontanter, og pkt. 4.1 og 4.2 kan derfor ikke anvendes her.


[Your name]

[Your address]

[your CPR number]

Comment: If there is more than one founder, write all of them here. Also company’s data can be put here (company name, address and CVR number). It can minimize risk even more, if you think about a holding company or other structure of companies.

stifter herved et [insert ”iværksætterselskab”, ”anpartsselskab” or ”aktieselskab”] under navnet

Comment: These stands for:

1. ”iværksætterselskab” – [entrepreneur company] private limited company

2. ”anpartsselskab” [ Limited liability stock company] private limited company

3. ”aktieselskab”- [stock company] public limited company

For more information check Which type of company should I choose in Denmark



[Company Name] [choose ”IVS”, “ApS” or “A/S”]

1.0 Vedtægter

1.1 Selskabets vedtægter er vedhæftet som Bilag A.

2.0 Selskabskapital og tegningskurs for kapitalandele

2.1 Selskabskapitalen udgør nominelt [insert amount of your capital] kr., der er opdelt i kapitalandele på nominelt [choose the value of each share] kr.

Comment: In the first field I suggest to choose a minimal amount of capital you need to start, or 1 DKK. I have taken the registration fee + bank account fee. In the second field I have chosen 1 DKK, it makes easier to count amount of shares you have in your company if you would like to share them / sell / buy.

2.2 Tegningskursen for kapitalandelene er [insert ratio].

Comment: Nomination value
The founding document must state the nomination value of the shares (stock share or aps shares) being issued in connection with the foundation of the company.  E.g. if a “Stock company ” is founded with a shareholder capital of 600,000, and you need to pay 900,000 to receive 300,000 worth of shareholder capital, then the nomination value is 300. The nomination value is 300 means that you need to pay 3*300,000 for your portion of the share capital.

I made it 100.

3.0 Tegning og indbetaling af kapitalandele

3.1 Alle kapitalandele skal være tegnet senest den [insert date].

3.2 Alle kapitalandele skal være fuldt indbetalt senest den [insert date].

Comment: Dividing shares and paying money in. If you don’t have any specific circumstances enter here the date you want to create your company in. (maximum 3 months before from the current date).

4.0 Tegning af kapitalandele mod apportindskud (gælder ikke for iværksætterselskaber)

4.1 [Insert name] tegner kapitalandele i selskabet mod indskud af [Insert amount].

Comment: Name and amount of shares (in DKK) how you split it. For example John Smith 500 DKK (when 500 was an initial capital and John is the only founder or planned owner of these shares).

4.2 Vurderingsberetning for apportindskuddet er vedhæftet som Bilag B.

5.0 Stiftelsesdato

5.1 Stiftelsen af selskabet skal have retsvirkning fra den [Insert date].

Comment: Foundation date, again remember that it’s up to 3 months ago, I don’t know about a limit forward but if you write here next year, just make this company in the future.

6.0 Regnskabsår og revision

6.1 Stiftelsen af selskabet skal have regnskabsmæssig virkning fra [Insert date].

Comment: Foundation of the company starts it’s accounting time from: choose a date. It’s best if you will contact Virk or an accountant to give you an advice about this date, it depends from your business. I have chosen a date of foundation, however if you don’t have to (and in many circumstances you don’t) you can safe yourself many hours of unnecessary accounting.

6.2 Selskabets årsrapporter skal [Insert ”revideres” or ”ikke revideres”].

Comment: The annual report [has] [doesn’t have to be audited]. For your own need you should choose that it doesn’t have to be audited, however it can if you want it at any moment. Often investors demand to have audited accounting.

7.0 Stiftelsesomkostninger

7.1 Selskabet afholder omkostningerne ved stiftelsen af selskabet. Omkostningerne forventes at beløbe sig til ca. [Insert amount] kr. eksklusive moms.

Comment: Founding expense: it’s 670 DKK to the Danish Business Authority + creating a bank account. You can also add here lawyer consultation, accountant and other, and with the invoices get VAT back (either for the bank account or registration I didn’t pay any VAT). My amount was equal to the capital.

Undertegnede stifter herved selskabet og tegner samtidig den under hver stifters underskrift anførte selskabskapital uden forbehold:

Dato: [Today’s date]
Stifter: [Founder’s name]
Tegnet selskabskapital: [Insert amount] kr.



Comment: All of the founders (copy paste for more than one), you can change the original document (Underskrift Eng. Signature) and put it lower to have a space to sign.

Bilag: Bilag A (vedtægter) og Bilag B (vurderingsberetning)



If you have any comments, please share them. I would be glad to keep this and other post updated, so you can find the best advises.

If this article was helpful to you, please comment below. It will make me very happy! 🙂

Special thanks to Christian Kjølhede for helping me with some of the terms.


Update: – a Danish company that helps you sign and manage your contract seem to provide us with the relevant files. You can check it on their website.

Besides the Stiftelsesdokument, you need one more document which guidelines you can find here: Vedtægter.

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    Mindaugas Lukoševičius

    20th December 2018

    Thank you very much!!

    • Igor Garlowski

      5th March 2019

      You are welcome!
      If you have any more questions or you’d need my help in making the company in Denmark or any other place, you can contact me 🙂

  • Denise

    22nd January 2016

    Great article!

  • ray ban

    2nd November 2015

    Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post. It was inspiring.Keep on posting!

  • Pingback: Creating IVS and ApS company in Denmark

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